
Christian Disciplines: 12 Studies for Individuals or Groups is unavailable, but you can change that!

Depth. Strength. Wisdom. Maturity. We long to be people who exhibit such qualities. We want to strengthen our character and deepen our relationship with Christ. But spiritual depth requires spiritual discipline. These Bible studies by Andrea Sterk and Peter Scazzero are designed to help us learn how God intends for us to live and show us how God helps us grow to maturity.

Fast-food restaurants. Rapid weight-loss diets. On-line shopping. The Internet. Getting rich quick. Today’s society looks for instant gratification and results. More. Better. Quicker. Richer. Often the values of our consumer society shape our view of discipleship. We demand instant godliness, overnight “success” in the Christian life. As a result we end up discouraged and frustrated by the shallowness of our walk with God. Richard Foster spells out our
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